Building Confidence This Quarter: A Teacher's Devotional...

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“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Good Morning, Everyone:                                                                          

I hope you are excited for kicking off the Fall season and our new Sunday School studies.  Thank you for all you do and all the hard work and encouragement you give through your teaching!  This Quarter many of you will be studying three of Paul’s Prison Epistles:  Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.  Several of our ladies will have the opportunity to study Ephesians in Bible study as well, rounding out Paul’s Prison letters.  One thing that I have noticed in these letters is Paul’s constant pastoral encouragement of the Church, and of individual believers and the solidarity he feels with them in Faith and ministry for and by the Gospel.  Philippians 1:6 is Paul’s Faith in the work of God through the Gospel expressed in his confidence that God will bring these new believers to maturity in Christ.  Paul’s Practical Theology in these letters can be expressed reciprocally like this:


Before the June 6th, 1944 invasion of Europe, General Dwight Eisenhower and Omar Bradley addressed the soldiers of the American Forces and Allied Command:  Eisenhower gave a stirring motivational speech, and ended his commentary with: “AND remember; DO NOT needlessly endanger your lives unless we give the order…”  Eisenhower was not being conceited, he was expressing his confidence in the American Soldier, and even more so in the Nation that was at their back, producing, equipping, training, and praying for them.  Have you ever had anyone believe in you that much because they have walked with you through the maelstrom? 

Paul had this kind of confidence in the Saints because he had “been there” with them and had confidence in Christ first who paid and did it all!  Perhaps you grew up in an earthly home or have worked in an environment in which people expressed little confidence in you and made you feel terrible and worthless- but the Church is not to be that way!  We CAN and should show grace, patience, and mercy (God’s love) to one another because Christ first is showing His mercy, grace, and patience (His love) with us and He will complete His work in us!  Quite simply Paul is telling us godly confidence is caught by our learning in a loving community under the authority of God’s Word, the work of the Holy Spirit and our faith put into action every day as we trust in Jesus and His finishing work (Heb 12:1-3).  If we have confidence in Christ, shouldn’t we build confidence in one another as we “walk” together and minister in His Kingdom (1Jn 1:7)?  Can we confidently give the Kingdom Battle Cry: “Onward Christian Soldiers?!”  What are some ways you can express confidence to and in those in your Sunday School class this month? You might never know what kind of positive godly impact you could have on someone’s life!  Or whose day you will make… Let’s develop our confidence with each other this Quarter and not give up on each other because our confidence first lies with Christ and He is completely faithful!  Completion is coming- expect it…  Have a great week!  All the best! 

Love in Christ,
