Wylie Baptist Church

Missions Goals

Exalt God

Equip Disciples

Encourage Others

Extend Jesus

Our Purpose

Following the Great Commission of Jesus Christ: “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28: 19-20

Join us in spreading the message of the Good News of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, freely available to all who will believe


Sharing Jesus’ story and His love.


Our ongoing commitment to world evangelism has recently enabled Wylie Baptist to participate in three mission trips to Poland to work with the teams and people of Poland in advancing the message of Jesus Christ’s love for all peoples.

Our Missions Vision

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

Our Jerusalem Our Judea Our Samaria Our Ends of Earth

Abilene Texas United States The World

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 People and Organizations We Support


Guatemala Hanna and Blake Pfaff

Ukraine and Poland Mike Jorgenson

Missions Emphasis Funds

ABA Social Ministries

Operation Christmas Child

Wylie Early Learning Backpacks and Meals for

Hospitality House —Houses for Healing

Christian Women’s and Men’s Job core of

The Association of Congregations

Big Country Camp

Missionary Adoption Program (MAP)


What is MAP?

In recognition of the sacrificial services of missionaries around the world, our members have taken on the responsibility to aid in financial support of their work. The MAP (Missionary Adoption Program) is one means which our people have been able to fulfill this goal. A love gift offering, which is solely appointed to the MAP program, is collected for distribution through the national MAP program. A voluntary , once a month offering, is collected through the Sunday morning Bible Study classes. This offering is above and beyond the regular giving and offerings. Through this voluntary giving, Wylie Baptist Church has been blessed to be a regular contributor to growing missions around the world.


Our Goal in Missions

“our work only begins where God’s grace has laid the foundation. Our work is not to save souls, but to disciple them. Salvation and sanctification are the work of God’s saving grace, and our work as his disciples is to disciple others’ lives until they are totally yielded to god.”

oswald chambers

our utmost for his highest april 24


Our Vision as a Church in the Body of Christ


Missions are a part of our Church’s overall vision statement. The Family of God Growing in Faith. As stated in the definition of the vision: Exalt God-equip disciples-encourage others- extend Jesus.

Our part in missions is the “extend Jesus”. This calls us to be engaged in activities presenting the gospel of Jesus in our Jerusalem (Abilene), Judea (Texas), Samaria (United States), and the uttermost parts of the world.

We seek to accomplish this mission by aiming at specific goals which are spelled out in Christ’s teachings.

Our Vision can be captured in three words:

Pray, Give, Go

Pray Give Go


Pray for the Holy Spirit to equip and bless our missionary partners in their call to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ where they serve. Through prayer and financial support, we can all aid in the call.

God calls all believers to be involved in bearing one another’s burdens. He also calls us to support those who are faithful and likeminded in sharing the Gospel. We give to support both short and long term workers in the field.

We ourselves go into the world completing the admonition to spread the Good News of Christ in the everyday circumstances of our daily lives. Each of us has the opportunity to be a witness wherever we are.



 Our heart is to serve and show Jesus to our local communities.


Disaster Relief team

christian women’s job corp

local school partnerships

-Backpack Program

-Early Childhood Education Center



The message of the Bible is

very simple…”All who call upon

the name of the Lord will be




God calls us to repentance and a life of Holiness that can only be created by the indwelling of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to see that that blessing is made available around the world and to all peoples.



2023 missionS

Operation christmas child

Missionary Adoption Plan


Active Missionaries


A Closer Look at The Missionaries We Support


Andrew and Carlee Corker

Landon and Alycia Darilek

Kiran (Asia)

Mike and Woodlyn Jorgensen


Annual Offerings


“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7


Mary Hill Davis

Texas Education Offering

Annie Armstrong

Easter Offering for United States Missions

Lottie Moon

Christmas Offering for World Missions

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