OUR MISSION: To make disciples who make disciples…
OUR VISION: In view of God’s mercy, our Student Ministry partners with families to help students to: KNOW Christ and His Word; BE who Christ says we are; and obediently DO what He commands.
This vision is captured in 3 words: KNOW. BE. DO.
OUR GOAL: Our student ministry desires to bring glory to God by helping students…
KNOW Christ and His Word through text-driven Bible Study and scripture-informed prayer and worship.
BE who Christ says we are in His Word through Biblical fellowship and accountability.
DO what Christ commands by loving God and people through biblical worship, living on mission and serving our neighbors.

Our Student Ministry meets upstairs above the Coffee Corner

Upstairs at 9:00am
Come upstairs at 9:00am to hang out before Bible Study. We begin with worship and prayer together, then break into smaller groups:
7th-8th Grade
9th - 10th Grade
11th-12th Grade
After studying God’s Word, we dismiss and sit together in corporate worship with the entire church body in the sanctuary at 10:30am.
Upstairs from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Sunday night Koinonia Groups (K-Groups) are more casual and intended for fellowship. We eat together, play together, then study together. Our studies are usually discussion driven, topical in nature, and designed to bring personal application.
Upstairs from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
R12 Midweek is a more active gathering. During the school year, we eat together with the church body at 5:00pm downstairs, followed by hangout time from 5:30pm - 6:00pm. At 6:00pm, we will engage in games and other relationship building activities. Afterwards, we worship together and dive into books of the Bible taught by the Student Pastor and other adult leaders.
Contact our Student Pastor to connect with us on Remind for regular text updates of regular activities and special events or follow us on Facebook.