In March 2020, as we learned more about the new coronavirus disease, it became clear that people living in nursing homes and other at-risk demographics needed to be protected from the general population. Bro. Darrin, Wylie Baptist Church’s Pastor of Education and Senior Adults, and his team, couldn’t keep teaching Sunday School at nursing homes as they had been accustomed to. Darrin has not stopped teaching Sunday School to these precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Rather, he has been sharing his lessons through his writings. It is our prayer that you find hope, peace, comfort, and guidance as we publish his devotionals here every Monday.
*Update (May 28, 2021): May 31, 2021’s devotional will be the final weekly writing here for a while. Brother Darrin is now able to meet with and minister to more of our nursing home residents and shut-ins in person. This will not be his final writing posted here, and as often as God leads him to, he will write more devotionals that we will share here on this page. If you are new to this page, feel free to peruse Darrin’s devotionals. They were written at a specific time, but God’s Word is timeless, and it is our prayer that God speaks to you through this aspect of Brother Darrin’s ministry.
Contributor - Kennah Grant
Kennah Grant was born and raised in the great state of Texas. She grew up in the small town of Levelland where she met her husband, Brooks Grant. After several years and many adventures later, Kennah came back to her small town roots and settled in Abilene with her family. Brooks and Kennah have been married for 22 years and have two daughters. Kennah is a busy mother and wife and a full-time business owner. She attends Wylie Baptist Church and serves by being part of the youth leadership team. While God has blessed her beyond measure with these many responsibilities, she has felt a need to write for Jesus. She’s been on an incredible journey through ups and downs, either by choice or by purpose, and is passionate about sharing her experiences through the lens of God’s pursuit of mercy over her life. She knows that she is a child of the one true King and is devoted to helping others see the truth of who they are in Christ through any opportunity God gives her.