Living lives of Godly purpose and joy.




The mission of WBC Senior Adult Ministry is to LOVE AND ENCOURAGE older adults to live lives of integrity, purpose, and joy that reflect Jesus Christ and testify to the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit during the unique challenges and opportunities of the later seasons of one’s life. (Gal 5:22-25; Phil 1:6, 9-11; 4:5-9; Heb 12:1-3; Jas 1:2-4).

We accomplish this mission through following the headship of Christ in all that we do, and by seeking God and supporting/encouraging one another through Bible Study, Fellowship, and Prayer. (Col 3:12-17; Heb 10:22-25).





visitation team

cake ministry

off-campus sunday morning bible studies

fellowship at Big country baptist assembly

Wednesday Night & Prayer Meeting


It is the desire of the Senior Adult department that our older adults be full participants in ministry as well as being ministered to, therefore we encourage active participation of older adults across all the ministries and opportunities offered by Wylie and to work alongside, testify, and encourage the younger generations that are following after them for the good of the Kingdom, the testimony of God’s Word at work in us, and because we know that God is never “finished” with us or our growth on this side of heaven.

It is in light of this understanding our Senior Adult Pastor, Darrin Ray, is committed to loving and helping older adults continue in pursuing the calling God has placed on their lives, discovering and using their spiritual gifts, serving God with gladness and joy, and realizing that life doesn’t end at 75, 95 or 105. It’s just different…and God can surprise us with how well He can use that different to build His Kingdom, bring glory to Himself, fill us with His peace and joy, and make a difference in someone else’s life!