As we enter into the fall season it is time to start preparing for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project. We are confident that the Lord will bless each box we are able to prepare and send to a child in another country that needs to hear the Gospel and how much God loves them.
Wylie Baptist Church is blessed with so many members that are willing to give above and beyond to help others and we know that this year will be no different. Last year, Wylie Baptist collected 600+ boxes and we have set a goal of 700 for this year.
*Update: We have reached our 2024 goal of 700 boxes! Thank you, Wylie Baptist Church, for your generosity! Please remember to pray for the children who will be receiving these gifts.
We will have boxes at the church for you to pick up and pack yourself, and this year you have the added option to pack a box online. We understand that you may be unable to participate by the options mentioned above, so if you would rather give money through the church to buy items for shoeboxes you can mail your check along with your tithe and we will be buying bulk items to pack shoeboxes at church. Our Mom's Time Out ladies are looking forward to having a packing party in one of their meetings.
We will need to have all boxes back at church by November 18th.
Please begin praying on how you would like to participate in this important ministry to help share the love of God to children in other countries.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19)