We are created to worship our Great God, and we strive for worship that will initiate a response from every attender.

Our Worship Choir is a vital part of our Sunday morning worship time.
If you are a great singer - or just one who loves to make a joyful noise - come and be part of Worship Choir.
Choir Practice
Wednesday Nights | 7pm

The Living Christmas Tree is an annual tradition here at Wylie Baptist Church.
The presentation includes music, drama, and some lighter moments of fun and laughter, as we journey to the real reason for the season–the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
40th Annual Living Christmas Tree — December 10, 2023
39th Annual Living Christmas Tree — December 10, 2022
38th Annual Living Christmas Tree — December 11, 2021

Our Tech Team keeps us running before, during, and after the services.
If you are interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of Sunday mornings, we have a place for you!
Media Presentation
Video Recording
Soundboard Operation